The Centers for Advanced Orthopaedics is redefining the way musculoskeletal care is delivered across the region with locations throughout Maryland, DC, Virginia and Pennsylvania.
We’ve all heard the phrase “It sticks out like a sore thumb”... but when you actually experience a sore thumb (or any other finger for that matter), you realize just how true this saying is.
Our hands play an important role in every aspect of our lives, but we often take them for granted. Show them some love with these simple hand care tips from Certified Hand Specialist and Occupational Therapist, Karen James.
Give Your Hands a Break
Don’t Use Your Hand as a Tool
Use Special Devices to Decrease Small Joint Stress
Your Hands Work Hard, Treat Them With Love
Is hand pain or immobility making it difficult to perform day-to-day activities? Occupational therapy can help you get back to a productive and purposeful life. Talk to your doctor about hand therapy or contact us today to learn how we can help.